Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!

Upcoming Events include:

Thursday, September 24 - IB Open House (6 - 7:30 pm) @ NEMS
Friday, September 25 - Picture Day!
Tuesday, October 6 - PTA Meeting (6:30 - 8 pm) @ NEMS

For the latest NEMS Newsletter, click HERE

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Nighthawks are real birds, but they're not actually hawks....

Nighthawk, an American bird of the goatsucker, or nightjar, family. Despite the name, it is not a true hawk. Nighthawks are mottled grayish brown, with white bands across their long, pointed wings. Their tails are slightly forked. They feed on insects, usually flying after their prey at dusk. The female lays two brown-speckled white eggs on the bare ground or on a flat roof.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Parent/Staff Happy Hour & Craft Sale Committee
We are planning to host a Happy Hour & Craft Sale for NEMS parents and staff at one of the Northeast breweries in April and we'd love your help choosing the location, getting the word out, and gathering some arts/crafts to sell. Join the committee and meet other NEMS parents!
You can let us know you're interested by going to our Volunteer Spot site for the committee at